What is happening in ME?
Alliance for full participation.
What is the progression what is our score , what is the plan, number of changes
Legislative and statutory change attitudes funding and how system responds and provides services.
Youth with disabilities leaving HS must have an opportunity and expectation and supports to enter the workforce
Adults too
Educators and parents must share the vision and gain the knowledge and skill necessary to realize the vision.
We have too many life skills isolated classes with the outcome is a job
What will it take to re- tool our services and plans?
Customized employment where individuals now are fully supported with income and insurance.
Educators need to understand the school to work transition intricacies.
Engage with schools so firmly making a plan for after school employment
APSE is a state organization for employment
We have talked transition for so long and we are still so bad with it, check out Florida
Idea, go to Chamber of Commerce to find out what jobs are not being filled
Ask your student, what do you want to be doing the year after you get out of HS? Make it part of the transition plan.
Teach self advocacy to students and parents.
Post school success!!!
Extent kids participate in gen Ed
After school activities, band, sports, drama,
After school and summer employment
Look at the place kids want to work with the kid,
Personal relationship with employers and student, ask student lots of questions.
Educators must not only have college night but must have transition to work meetings with VR and other agencies
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