Saturday, July 31, 2010

Leadership Day 2010 call to action be part of this!

I almost missed this call to post something for Leadership Day 2010! Almost, but thanks to my twitter feed I saw the call and stopped the work I was doing for my online class to blog. THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Last winter several superintendents in our county got together with the technology coordinators and asked several questions. With all the shrinking budgets is there a way we can collaborate and help each other out? Is there a way we can collaborate on professional development? What kinds of professional development can we provide our administrators as they are evaluating the use of technology in a classroom? Can we archive professional development and make it available across time and space?

Finally, the choice was to collaborate and design a summer professional workshop for any administrator involved in evaluating staff in our county, presented by local teachers who are already demonstrating the NETS-S standards in their classrooms. The cost for the day will end up as a meal and snack cost, the cost of the teachers preparing for the day, and the cost for the local school systems to have all their administrators attend this workshop day as part of the getting ready for school. As a bonus, the group will provide 2 follow-up days where the administrators will come back and reflect on their evaluations in classrooms, get additional training and most importantly talk with others who are doing similar evaluations.

Gregg Smith, David Saltmarsh, Susan Austin, Maryanne Minard, Marilyn Woodside, Sherry Knowles, and Cheryl Oakes all have volunteered to make presentations during the day. Several others, Donna Seiron, Chuck Mclaughin, Joe Schwartzman provided support and brainstorming throughout the entire process and during the day their help will be invaluable. This is all happening through the wisdom of this crowd, we have a vision, the superintendents had a purpose and now it will all come together- August 17, 2010.

You can follow the outline of the day, the links and resources and we plan to ustream the event.
Link for the August 17th PD this is a work in progress!
Check back August 17, 2010 for the Ustream!

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