My favorite mathematical term is Fibonacci! When I was teaching math, as an adult, I learned about Fibonacci. When I taught this concept to my students as 4th graders, they just moved into understanding the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, as well as, understanding how to divide large numbers! It was amazing to watch the power of that understanding.
How do I use math in my everyday life? Well, this weekend, my husband and I are working on a project, tiling our entryway. It requires measurement, problem solving, prediction, reflection and finally, we hope success. The price for success is practice, problem solving and troubleshooting! It is a challenge. Usually on the weekend I am cooking and preserving food for winter. That requires measuring ingredients, looking for recipes, and finally following the directions to make corn relish. Math is all around us. I am a mathematician! So are you.
Entry way half done.
I actually use the fibonacci sequence when knitting. I use it to figure out the number of rows for each color. Somewhere I read that it makes the prayer shawls more interesting than even numbered rows. Hope your project turns out well. :)
Thanks loonyhiker, it is amazing how many uses we have for math! Thanks for the comment.
The first thought I had when I read your post was how I wished my students could envision themselves as mathematicians. Instead, too many view math as a hurdle they have to jump over to get through (and out of) school.
You have me thinking of ways to help students see themselves as doers and creators of math from an early age. I'd like to use my website to launch one of these ideas. Would you mind if I borrowed your title?
Hi Colleen, Melanie Holtsman, Once upon a Teacher, Once Upon A Teacher>/A> Started a #fallblogchallenge and it is the topic of the week, please use it and credit her!
I've never heard of fibonacci, but you better bet I'll be impressing some students with it! Thanks for teaching me, Cheryl!
Thanks for the reminder that math is an every day "experience" we all share. Like you and your husband, my wife and I are putting in the larder as well as all manner of home improvements. Our project this weekend was a new window in the bathroom. It never ends! :-)
Thanks also for the connection to Melanie Holtsman's blog. I'll be adding her to my Reader!
P.S. How did the entry way turn out?
Melanie, this is why we blog to share the conversation and get the wisdom of the crowd!
Dan, I've added a photo of the entry way in progress! Good luck with your project, post photos too! Cheryl
Great post..I too am a lover of math and a math teacher by training as well. I forgot about the Fibonacci sequence. I loved teaching that to my middle school students.
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