Run Away!
Originally uploaded by Burwash Calligrapher
Getting ready for TechLearning
Cross posted at TechLearning
You will be hearing lots of stories this year about high school, special education, universal design for learning, assistive technology and our google domain.
We decided to begin with making some changes in our support study. We now have a Skills Cafe. This is organic, flexible and as one of my peers says crunchy. Ask the students what they think, they have a few more descriptors like this is not what I want to do, why do I have to do this, this is dumb, and many more. Anything to get out of being organized and collaborative. However, we have a plan and we are sticking to it. I should mention that some students thought it was cool, especially since they can add things to the calendar like football games, field hockey, drama, and marching band. I will be busy trying to attend something for each student!
Our first step was to get all students into the google domain, with a shared calendar, shared folder for their assignments and a place to check their email. We accomplished this in a two week span. At the end of the second week, I left messages in all their email accounts with a good job email and if necessary a reminder to complete missing assignments. I can peek at their grades and see what is missing, send them an email reminder, talk with their teachers and all this from one stop at my computer.
This is going to be a year long journey. We will have some challenges, some celebrations and some student success stories. If you have something to share along these lines leave a comment, let’s build this together and share with others.
My new blog Learning Cafe a door to the future http://learningcafe-doortothefuture.blogspot.com/
Our twitter: Door2Future
Our moodle page: http://moodle.wocsd.org/course/view.php?id=199
Our Twitter Feed goes right to the blog and to our Facebook page.
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